GaOtime aims to serve as risk culture co-architects of note


The name GaOtime was conceived from a seTswana footing, whose meaning talks to a fire that blazes on, and on, and on. Recently launched in the market, the main focus of GaOtime is on enterprise risk management (ERM), which remains an emerging field despite enjoying an increasingly higher profile.

GaOtime is headed by Sikhuthali Nyangintsimbi, who is currently the sole director. Underpinning his professional profile more than 25 years in the governance space whilst also being equipped with some of the basics academically, viz.

  • MPhil specialising in internal auditing, which served to deepen his theoretical insights into the field of internal auditing;
  • Master’s in Business Leadership, which provides him with a broader perspective on the key organisational activities. This MBL qualification tilts more towards strategy, in terms of both the Elective modules and the research report that Sikhuthali obtained a distinction on;
  • Bachelor of Commerce, that served to induct Sikhuthali into the theoretical foundations of the commercial world; and
  • Professional Certifications that include CRMA, CIA, CGAP, CCSA. These are also a basis on which Sikhuthali continually upgrades his skills and competencies so as to accumulate the mandatory CPD points – and maintaining his professional membership.


To serve as risk culture co-architects of note!

We continue to stand at a future point whilst articulating the most optimal route that our clients need to take as they proceed from their present position. We offer cutting-edge enterprise risk management solutions, supporting the clients as they seek to join the future that we’re continually shaping.


Professionalism is the sole value that uniquely defines who we are as an organisation. It informs also how we service our clients and interact with the cocktail of stakeholders within the broader business space. This value is premised on the perspective that:

  • The strengthening of the governance texture within our beautiful African continent can be better sustainable if each organisation is weary of its own risk culture – and continually seeks to deepen it. We work in concert with our clients towards achieving this noble initiative, which should be evidenced in part by a steady climb of ERM on the client’s Agenda;
  • The tectonic shift required in terms of alleviating poverty within our Continent can be better achieved through an entrepreneurial work ethic that is second to none. And this begins with us, as GaOtime Business Consulting;
  • Undertaking each assignment as if it is the only one we will have ever delivered within our lifetime, as an organisation – and that generations to come will measure our impact based only on that assignment. In this regard, we to tap onto our appetite for research and benchmarking, leveraging them in sustaining our keen innovative posture;
  • Alertness to the reality that ambiguity is riskier that uncertainty. Our service is thus aimed at supporting the client in navigating through such ambiguity, particularly during strategic planning sessions, which correctly must include reflective risk leadership conversations.

Speciality Focus

In an effort to play towards her strengths as an organisation, GaOtime has chosen a niche market within the broader governance space, whereby she contributes largely through:

1. Risk Workshops

These are facilitated at both the strategic as well as operational levels, with the utcome being an organisational risk profile that is supported by pertinent risk egisters. Each risk is comprehensively articulated, to a point that subsequent ompilation of the ERM component of the client’s annual report will become much easier for your esteemed leadership team. And this comes in handy given the time constraints visa vis other competing priorities that the various Teams within an organisation often have to contend with

2. Concept Note

Crafting a concept note, which is an 8-12 paged document, on a regular basis for tabling at client governance platforms. Such a document is normally informed by customised research that is undertaken by in light of the key risks which the client is facing. Thus the research-based reflections which the Concept Note contains could be on (say) a specific risk:

  • As per the strategic risk register;
  • How that risk has played itself out in the market or in other organisations
    across the globe;
  • What potential lessons are to be learned by the client, as it continually
    pursues its strategy and/or organisational mission.

Essentially, with the Concept Notes we compile and the (noted below) targeted research articles we search for and share, GaOtime seeks to sensitise clients and further stimulate their resolve towards prioritising ERM in all their governance conversations – Board, ARC, Exco, Mancom, etc.

3. Thought Leadership Articles

Tapping on recently published articles, mostly from accredited journals, GaOtime  tracks these and identifies those that bare relevance to the business of our client – and share with the client on a continual basis. The rationale behind this initiative is multi-dimensional and includes the following:

  • Encouraging clients to stay abreast of developments in the market, particularly given that strategic risks are by nature transversal – and thus cu
    across industries;
  • Serving as a soft nudge in the sense of persuading clients to embrace a particular perspective in relation to that which could prevent their organisation from achieving its strategic intent. We are mindful of the reality that they key stakeholders that we are dealing with are senior executives and Board members, who thus would not take kindly to an approach that seeks to sway them via the ‘compliance threat’;
  • Positioning GaOtime Business Consulting, as (especially) ERM practitioners, at a strategic angle that enables us to demonstrate our understanding of the client’s business. This becomes the case particularly in light of the fact that such thought leadership articles are consistently accompanied by a two-paged high-level reflection on the article itself. In so doing we also reflect on how the key messages contained in the article relate to our client’s core business or key activities.

4. Strategic re-Positioning of ERM

GaOtime continues to succeed in her efforts towards repositioning enterprise risk management more as a lucrative opportunity for enhancing the pursuit of strategic objectives of an organisation. The organisations we serve have shown a shift from the traditional view that regards ERM as a burdensome compliance or tick box initiative which as organisations they are dreadfully ‘coerced’ into tolerating. Effectively, GaOtime seeks to bring the marketing flair into the roll- out and socialisation of ERM into any organisation that we serve.

5. Governance Documents

Informed by our keen benchmarking posture, we develop and/or review the broad portfolio of ERM governance documents. These include the risk management policy, the ERM strategy, the ERM framework, the anti-corruption strategy, Board/ARC/RMC charters, etc. Experience has proven that all these require keen benchmarking skills if they are to be easier accepted and approved by an organisation’s Board etc. And this is where GaOtime comes in handy?

Taking this one a step further, GaOtime seeks to also deliver on the:

  • Risk Appetite and Tolerance Framework
    Risk appetite is another elusive yet critical concept in the broader ERM governance agenda of an organisation. Experience informs us that deep research and benchmarking skills are instrumental in the delivery of a customised framework in this regard.
  • Combined Assurance Model
    Recently termed the Integrated Assurance Model by some organisations, our role in this initiative talks to not just the (combined assurance) plan but the framework as well. The success of this deliverable is directly linked to the quality of an organisation’s risk profile – the other strong point that GaOtime brings aboard, to the Rose Foundation and other entities.

6. Environmental Scanning

In line with best practice, organisations are supposed to undertake an environmental scanning exercise on at least an annual basis. Our involvement in this regard entails supporting the client with a Pre-read that provides reflections on the trends in the external environment. Such Pre-read would serve as a feeder into the client’s strategic planning session or a review of their strategic risk register. Naturally, we also provide a comprehensive report that articulates key messages emerging from such a session.

7. Internal Audit Projects

Internal audit projects often fail or succeed, basis the quality of outputs as well as turnaround times – and this has a direct impact on the service provider-client relationship. GaOtime’s client-service orientation, centred around its CEO’s communication as a personal core competence, have proven central in this regard.

This also talks to operational efficiencies, given the sustained challenge of a deteriorating economic climate, resultant budget cuts, and (yet) continually increased client demands for enhanced value-add in terms of outputs. GaOtime thus provides a solution through:

  • Quicker finalisation of an audit report despite (perhaps) containing sensitive Findings and, in the process, maintaining rapport with the client;
  • Venturing into the non-traditional areas, where internal audits have usually not been performed, viz. strategic management process, organisational culture, risk culture, etc. In this regard, GaOtime leverages on the research and benchmarking expertise, which most other service providers in the consulting industry often do not have time for?

Typical Process for a Strategic Risk Workshop

Once the administrative aspects such as the acceptance of our quotation by the client’s contact person, who is part of the leadership team, the receipt of background reading that includes the strategic plan from the client, etc. then GaOtime will prepare a Pre-read for the client’s strategic risk workshop Participants. Such Pre-read will be circulated at least ten days ahead of the strategic risk workshop date – and it is a before-hand must read.

The Pre-read itself will cover some perspectives from various ERM thought leadership practitioners. The idea being to utilise such perspectives towards stimulating the Participants’ sense of spontaneity as they reflect on what it is that keeps them awake regarding the delivery of client organisation’s strategic intent? Importantly, at this stage already, the client will be having a good sense of GaOtime’s research orientation and how this brings value to the risk profiling workshop.

Finally, during the workshop, we would take our clients through a 20-minute PPT presentation that serves as an appetiser for their reflections on the critical risks. Often such a presentation is delivered in the form of storytelling – remember, GaOtime is an African rooted organisation and we thus still believe in the age old power of storytelling.

Noted below is a high-level view of the entire process that we would normally follow for a strategic risk workshop:

Thought Leadership

Contact Us

Should you require any further information or wish to contact us, please fill in the contact form below. We look forward to hearing from you.

Registration Number: ( 2016 / 00920 / 07 )
Tax Number: ( 993 498 5152 )
Cell: +27 83 635 6359